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Jak układanie puzzli pomaga mózgowi (ang.)

: 10 lipca 2017, 08:42
autor: Ann999
Znalazłam na fb ciekawy tekst o pożytkach z układania puzzli. Zapraszam do lektury.

"How Do Jigsaw Puzzles Help the Brain?"

Jigsaw puzzles engage the brain to retain information on shapes and colors in order to choose pieces that will fit together properly. This hunt for pieces requires your brain to memorize what each piece looks like or should look like and what kinds of pieces you are searching for in order to complete the picture. Doing this repeatedly reinforces short-term memory.

Jigsaw puzzles also promote a true synergy between the left and right brain. The logical left brain looks at parts. It is sequential, rational, analytical and objective. The left brain is stimulated by problem solving. The creative right brain sees the big picture. It wants randomness, is intuitive and subjective, and even likes the unfamiliar. Jigsaw puzzles offer the best of both worlds.

In solving jigsaw puzzles, the brain is being worked in both hemispheres, thus making connections between the sides as well as between brain cells. The connections enhance the ability to learn, understand and remember. Furthermore, each success with the puzzle – placement of the pieces as well as completing the puzzle – encourages the production of dopamine, an important neurotransmitter in the brain that regulates mood and affects people’s concentration and motivation. Dopamine plays a large part in the pleasure/reward pathway (addiction and thrills), memory and motor control.

Re: Jak układanie puzzli pomaga mózgowi (ang.)

: 11 lipca 2017, 00:08
autor: Cyber Killer
W sumie to nic czego byśmy nie wiedzieli z własnych doświadczeń. Fajnie by było gdyby były podane na to jakieś źródła naukowe, to można by to cytować w różnych kręgach.